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Karl Kaul


 My biography

Born 1937 in Waldböckelheim, Landkreis Kreuznach

Studies at universities and academies in Mainz and Saarbrücken.
Director of studies, art-teacher and founder of HAUDERER, the regional group of artists.

Member of Künstlergruppe Nahe, Bad Kreuznach

Member of BBK, german union of artists

Member of Kunstverein Eisenturm, Mainz


Selected places of exhibitions:


-  Galerie Villa Streccius Landau
-  Galerie Künstlerforum
-  BBK-Galerie Frankfurt/M.
-  Landtag Mainz
-  Schloss, Museum und Banken
-  Mittelrheinisches
   Landesmuseum Koblenz
-  Wilhelm-Dröscher-Haus und 
   Gesellschaftshaus Kirn
-  Internat. Jugendforum Bonn
-  Bourg en Bresse, Migennes,
   Joigny (Frankreich)
-  Lellingen (Luxemburg)
-  Künstlermessen Rheinl.-Pfalz
-  Europ. Kunstakademie Trier
-  Zeughaus Germersheim



Traumlandschaften, Karl Kaul  "Ein Tagträumer auf Spurensuche im Hunsrück" von Siglinde Knopp-Simon, ISBN 3-9805511-5-6

Flyer 1994

Flyer 2005

Declaration "Panta rhei" 2010

Werkschau-Broschüre 2017





Here you have short and detailed informations  about me and my work.

Biography shows a short viev of my live as an artist with some photos.

Press shows a selection of press reports.


Karl Kaul is a german expressionistic fine-art painter, specialized on figurative and abstract paintings. 

My artistic work during the last years concentrates on figurative topics of 1 x 1 meter format. Picture elements of these acrylic paintings are people, animals and plants, integrated into an imaginary area-structure. The human being forms a common habitat with fauna and flora. The series consists of a great number of paintings.

From time to time you will have updated examples of this series. Look at "Panta rhei" Actual choice . Look at www.kaul-pantarhei.de for the complete series.


Karl Kaul bei
Art Offer
Saatchi Online
Little van Gogh

Portrait of Karl Kaul

Artist at work